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Contact for Grievance Addressal

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

The Constitution of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee is as follows:

Name of DirectorStatus in CommitteeNature of Directorsip
Ankit BhaskarChairmanIndependent Director
Richa KachhawahaMemberIndependent Director
Asish UmakrishnanMemberNon-Executive Director

Audit Committee

The Constitution of the Audit Committee is as follows:

Name of DirectorStatus in CommitteeNature of Directorsip
Richa KachhawahaChairmanNon-Executive and Independent Director
Ankit BhaskarMemberNon-Executive and Independent Director
Ronak RajanMemberManaging Director

Stake Holders Relationship Committee

The Constitution of the Stakeholder Relationship Committee is as follows:

Name of DirectorStatus in CommitteeNature of Directorsip
Richa KachhawahaChairmanNon-Executive and Independent Director
Ankit BhaskarMemberNon-Executive and Independent Director
Samrat Dilip ParasnisMemberWhole-time Director

Internal Complaints Committee.

Sr. NoName of the MembersPosition in the Committee
1Bhumika GhagPresiding Officer
2Manasi AtreMember
3Jagruti SahuMember
4Dipesh KharoteMember